
Did you find this site useful and informative?

Did you manage to launch your own site with the help of some of my tutorials?

Well I’d love to hear about it!

You can post your feedback below…

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425 Responses to Feedback

  1. Aniba says:

    God would bless you for well explain, how to build a website. Am a novice when it comes to coding and setting up a website. Since I discovered your site, I couldn’t go to another site because all I needed is there. Have downloaded your free template,right now am practicing with it. Am from nigeria, thank you!!!

  2. Robert!
    How are you. Ruth and I were talking about you yesterday. We were remembering your wonderful garden. We keep hoping to run into you.
    Our company has gone off into a strange new direction (see url). It would be great to see you and there are a couple of things I’d love to show you!

  3. Zeeshan Parvez says:

    Man do me a favor. Actually, DO ALL PEOPLE LIKE ME A FAVOR.


    Really, I don’t care where the world goes or what they say. CSS just SUCKS! Long live tables. Make any design you want and do it in seconds. I needed a quick done table layout and since I can’t find any on the web, I ended up here. Boy is this good! Keep this baby up for as long as you can.


  4. Franco says:

    It is enjoying going through your work. Do you also have other tutorial work like on mysql and php. iam currently working on my project and absolutely the need of more knowledge. Otherwise I managed to present an execellent perfomance in my web technologies practicals following close relationship with ironspider.


  5. shell says:

    thank you i am struggling with it at the moment but thank you

  6. Richard Darrell says:

    Happy Birthday Bro, Got your Voice message, and I called back but nobody answered. Judith and I are planning to come up to Montreal one weekend in the next month to visit you and Louise.



  7. SteveB says:

    Thanks for some excellent tutorials. Like Laura (see below) I used to code the hard way in the 1990’s and then I had another career. Now I’m retired I’m getting back to speed with CCS3 and HTML5. I found your tutorial on FormMail brought it all back with an excellent explanation and debugging guide. Thanks

  8. Allen Bowers says:

    Making a career change and started Web Development classes this past August. “Ironspider” is by far the best for explaining html/css that I have yet to come across. It lays everything out and explains to me the “why” such-and-such works the way it does. I wish I’d have known about your site four months ago. As it is, I’m keeping it bookmarked in my favorites list, with the URL carved into the top of my work desk!!! I love the simplicity of this site! Thank you for making html/css even more fun and exciting!

  9. Janet says:

    I had to find the feedback page to say thank you for all of your hard work and making it available to newbies like myself who are feeling, well …. just overwhelmed with the whole prospect of creation and all of the options available. You truly are an inspiration. I almost believe that I might survive the learning stage thanks to all of your helpful information. Thanks again.

  10. Laura says:

    Thanks for putting together such a useful site. I taught myself HTML back in the 90’s (the good old days when things were simpler and formatting a page with invisible tables was novel) but then found myself using CMS and Learning Management systems that did all the layout for me. Now that I have a need to break out of the box and build from scratch again, a site like yours is perfect – I can refresh my memory on the basics and bring myself up to speed as well.

  11. Mar says:

    Thanks, your site is a gold mine for a novice like me.
    Regarding the site I hope I could build and maintain one soon.
    Thanks again.

  12. FunnyRico says:

    Thank You!! Your instructions and explanations are so easy to understand. I’m just a novice, but you are making my web creating experience so much better.

    Keep up the great work,

    – FunnyRico

  13. Gerry says:

    Superb site well presented and very informative a pleasure to read such a dry subject and find myself totally engrossed in it. Thanks for all your hard work

  14. Many many thanks for your solution on leading pages into their parent frames –
    One problem that I have is that the Bookmark this page link does not show in Google Chrome and Safari.
    Can you please help with this.
    Regards, Kenneth.

  15. Rob says:

    @Jesse, Sorry but no new templates are in the works for the moment as I’m spending a considerable amount of time on another project.

  16. gel says:

    Hi, Thanks a lot for these helpful information and most especially the free website templates which i could use for my work.

    More blessings for you!

  17. Jesse says:

    I have looked at lots of sites offering web templates. Some of them look really snazzy, til you try to use them. I’ve never found any templates anywhere that compare with the ease of use of ironspider templates. So, given a choice, I will prefer ironspider templates. My question is; are you working on new templates? I could use some with a nature or Native American theme. I’m currently using the Yellow Ochre Gradient, and the color is perfect for us. They asked me what other themes were available. After searching the web for a couple of hours I came to the conclusion that your templates are the only ones I care to deal with. That’s what prompted my visit today. Thank you.

  18. Rob says:


    You should take more than just a brief glance at the download page. HTML Kit 292 is the freeware version and has been freeware for many years. Fully functional and no strings attached.

  19. Carl DuBois says:

    According to contrary to what you have shown, the HTML Kit editor is NOT FREEWARE, but is only a free download of a program that costs more than I personally want to pay.

  20. Joel says:

    Hi Rob,

    You should have a “Donation” link or button on the site for readers like me who find your site enlightening, educating and very interesting. Just a thought….

    Still reading your site for explanation on how to link graphics and background using .htm code. I can only hope it won’t take me forever to learn.



  21. Miles says:

    Hello, can you tell me if the HTML Kit is compatible with Windows 7 (it shows only earlier version compatibility in your description.

    My website host has migrated to a non-HTML platform (which was an easy drag and drop for me to update pages) but now they want me to use Filezilla to and say that I need a program to connect to my FTP page (not sure if that is technically correct, but it’s about as much as I can comprehend…). Anyway, i had used HTML Kit to set up my site a while ago, and with a new laptop, hoping it will still work.



    • Rob says:

      @Miles, Yes, HTML Kit is definitely compatible with Windows 7. I have it installed on both my laptop and a desktop machine both using Windows 7 and HTML Kit works fine.

  22. Rob says:


    Sorry but reproducing any of my content is strictly forbidden. Besides, it would make much more sense to simply post links with short descriptions to applicable pages at my site so that users of your forum can click through and read the entire article.

  23. Sean Strong says:

    I’d really like to get your permission to post some of your content in my forums. I’m building a community of people learning to code and I offer free hosting for their endeavors. Please let me know if I can.


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